
I have problem with polish language when trying to set forum categories with polish letters.
I set HTML Charset for ISO-8859-2 and then for windows-1250 as well and still not working.
There is not problem when writting news, comments and forum posts.

Could help me with this matter

Why do you need windows-1250?
Use UTF-8 for both skins, and for the database!

Forever unshaven, red-eyed, detached from reality, with his cockroaches in my head. And let it always will be!

Yes I can but I have no polish symbols.

UTF-8 encoding is fairly universal. What's wrong with Polish characters?


Papież Franciszek zaapelował o dalsze modlitwy o pokój w Syrii oraz na całym Bliskim Wschodzie oraz o wyrzeczenie się przemocy, rozprzestrzeniania broni i nielegalnego handlu nią. — Czy wojny nie toczą się po to, by sprzedać broń? — pytał.
— Poszukiwanie pokoju jest długim procesem, wymaga cierpliwości i wytrwałości — mówił Franciszek podczas niedzielnego spotkania z dziesiątkami tysięcy wiernych na modlitwie Anioł Pański w Watykanie.
Papież podziękował wszystkim, którzy w sobotę przyłączyli się do jego inicjatywy dnia postu i modlitw o pokój w Syrii, na Bliskim Wschodzie i na całym świecie. Dzień ten ogłosił w odpowiedzi na plany zbrojnej interwencji w Syrii. — Dziękuję władzom cywilnym oraz członkom innych wspólnot chrześcijańskich i innych religii, mężczyznom i kobietom dobrej woli, którzy przeżyli momenty modlitwy, postu, refleksji — powiedział.


Forever unshaven, red-eyed, detached from reality, with his cockroaches in my head. And let it always will be!

There is a problem. With posts converting properly but when I trying to translate skin language file I have strange signs.I know I can change it with utf symbols but this is much laborious.
lang files as UTF-8 in save?
Put lang file here

Forever unshaven, red-eyed, detached from reality, with his cockroaches in my head. And let it always will be!

I am at work now, I will attach it when back, thanks.

I attached lang file

If  I use utf-8 symbol codes is alright

$skinlang['forumsnewtopic']['Title'] = "Tytuł:";
$skinlang['forumsnewtopic']['Desc'] = "Krótki opis (opcjonalnie):";
$skinlang['forumsnewtopic']['privatetopic'] = "Check this box to mark this topic as \"private\":";
$skinlang['forumsnewtopic']['privatetopic2'] = "Only forums moderators and the starter of the topic (so you) will be allowed to read and reply.";
$skinlang['forumsnewtopic']['Submit'] = "Wyślij";

but if I use with polish symbols

$skinlang['forumsnewtopic']['Title'] = "Tytuł:";
$skinlang['forumsnewtopic']['Desc'] = "Krótki opis (opcjonalnie):";
$skinlang['forumsnewtopic']['privatetopic'] = "Check this box to mark this topic as \"private\":";
$skinlang['forumsnewtopic']['privatetopic2'] = "Only forums moderators and the starter of the topic (so you) will be allowed to read and reply.";
$skinlang['forumsnewtopic']['Submit'] = "Wyślij";

then I have a problem.

Lang file you have in ANSI, and should be in UTF8 encoding

Forever unshaven, red-eyed, detached from reality, with his cockroaches in my head. And let it always will be!

thanks a lot :D